Perakis Wine Labels
Perakis Winery is a distiller of Greek red wines. The flavors originate from an island Greece as the winery's name was inspired by a family whose history was written in this region. The grandfather of the current owner trekked through the hills of Crete herding goats and encountered a snake, which he killed on sight with a stick. In reference to this story, the label for Perakis wine depicts the courageous man as an Ancient Greek hero, posed for attack.
"Perakis" is written with sharp edges and angular terminals to highlight the man's heroics and mimic how ancient letter forms kerned into the negative space of adjacent letter forms. To distinguish between different wines, the breast plate of the warrior's armor changes pattern and accent color. The three colors chosen mimic the vibrant colors found in buildings around Crete. This color appears in the snake, the pattern in the armor, then blend title and the wrap around the top of the bottle to connect all aspects of the bottle and its design.
After researching the origin story of the winery, initial sketches were created to display different elements of the story in different options for the label. The sketches experiment with the family's region in Greece, their past profession, as well as the grandfather's heroic act. The sketches explore the illustrations relationship with the family name as well as the incorporation of the elements found in Ancient Greek art.
After choosing to focus on the imagery of slaying the snake, the relationship between snake and sword was experimented with so to asses the most dynamic layout while also incorporating elements that reflect Greek history.